New Template

Since everyone i know are changing their blog template for the new year, yours truly decided to join in the fun and end up with this simple one. i decided that this is my current favourite and i’m going to stick with it for a while.

still in the process of ‘renovating’ of course, so please forgive me for the mess. if your blog is not in my blogroll yet, don’t worry. it will be there in a few days time. if by February it is still not there, pls remind me ya…

i wanted to continue with the all the editings BUT i didnt realize it’s already past midnight – in fact, it;s already 1:00 a.m!!! no wonder i was soooo sleepy a few moments ago, but now i’m quite wide awake – but then again i had to go to sleep, otherwise, i’ll have to find another reason on why i’m late (again) tomorrow… damn! i’m tempted to take emergency leave tomorrow – oops! rephrased : later today – but i have just made another resolution kunun for the new year which is… to have at least 5 annual leave to bring fwd to next year!

ok peeps… time to hit the sack! btw, how do you like my new template???

ok.. links fixed

alrighty… all links are now up and running but i’m pretty sure i missed some of them, especially the newly added ones. pls aa dear friends, if your blog is missing from my list, let me know.

how’s the new look? i kinda love this layout so i’m going to stick with it for a while.

hehe… guess i won’t be going on hiatus after all… have a few spare time during this holiday. took monday and wednesday off so, i actually have a very2 long weekend. misti malas mo balik kerja ni.

will be back later, need to go jalan2 cari makan..


Blog Links

i’m being a stupid moron again.

was changing my blog theme and dengan sesuka hati, deleted all the widgets, including all the blog links!

i’m in the process of updating my blog links… luckily i still have some of them in my other blog. if after a week and u still didnt see your blog on my page, do let me know,k???

unfortunately, now it’s raining cats and dogs, along with thunders and lightnings, guess the updating will have to wait til 2moro. k la… hv to go, b4 sesuatu yg tidak diingini berlaku.

nite2 peeps

Customize your Blogger Template

tired of looking for a perfect blogger template for your blog?
why don’t u create one instead? dunno how?

then you’re gonna love this – A cheats’ guide to customising Blogger templates

this is an easy step-by-step tutorial that will help you become a ‘pro’ blog template designer in no time!

just look at my template – ok, i admit it’s dull bcos i’m not creative gia but trust me, you, yes YOU can certainly do a better job than mine here. and let me tell you something, this template i’m currently using took me only 15 minutes to create! kalau kamurang mangkali, 5 minit pun siap.

there are also some bonuses from the guide. Check out the followings :-

1. Free Vector Glass Header Designs – Fancy for free Header images
2. GiMP a free image program similar to Photoshop, but without the price tag! ~ BloggerBuster
3. SquidFingers for free tileable background images

oklah… Happy Customizing!

13 Days Later…

Hiya ppl!

problem solved already… apparently, the switch to the upgraded version of Blogger has somehow messed up my ftp config. i thought i had re-config everything, tau2, i forgot to configure the archiving section… dang! finally figured that out after about a week… sooo stooopid oo me…

still so malas to type…

was going through my friends profile at friendster… found this interesting website, where u can upload your photo and find your celebrity look-alikes… actually, i’ve heard about this website a few years back… and had actually tried it but back then, it will only return one pic per photo uploaded… now, it can return up to 10 pics and u can choose 8 pics to create a photo collage…

here’s a photo collage of ellone

here’s mine

and here’s jnr’s

bah… show me yours lahh…


manage to publish now but… the archive is still not working!

dunno what’s wrong… i think i hv already done all the necessary config bahhh…

when i publish, i’ll get a “permission denied” error for all the archive’s file… dammit!

i’m beginning to think that there’s something wrong with Blogger… maybe it’s about time i switch to other blogging alternatives, say… WordPress kaa…

what do you all think?

New Look – Again!

woohooo….! new template!

i’ve been wanting to hv this kind of template for so long but i’m too lazy to create one by myself. not that i didnt try but i just didnt hv enough time so i figured, just use the one by blogger and sooner or later, other ppl will be kind enough to offer the template for free – and i was right! thanks to zirbad or now a.k.a All By Nose for indirectly referring me to this template.

so, next on my to-do list :-

1. create a new banner
2. recent comments
3. adsense thingy
4. About Me page

hmm… guess that’s all for now… wah… if one doesnt read my blog, one wouldnt know that this blog is actually “Powered by Blogger”.

oya, i’m back from kampung. i planned to come back on Thursday, exactly a week after my grandma’s passing but my papa has to return to work today, coz the other medic (the one who’s suppose to replace my dad) has come up with a very last minute excuse for not wanting to do so. this guy memang gini punya ooo… he will always find excuses not to replace my dad but, bila dia yg mo minta ganti… fuiiyooo… bukan main lagi. told my dad, next time he wants to minta ganti, dont!

oklah… will be continued..